dr Andrzej Grzywacz
Telefon: (56) 611-26-49
E-mail: grzywacz@umk.pl
Pokój: C263
Godziny konsultacji:
poniedziałek 9:00-11:00
środa 9:00-11:00
Zainteresowania badawcze
Prowadzę badania dotyczące muchówek sklasyfikowanych w obrębie rodzin Muscidae oraz Fanniidae, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem gatunków istotnych dla celów medyczno-sądowych. Podjęte tematy badawcze obejmują morfologię stadiów preimaginalnych, metody taksonomii molekularnej, badanie tempa rozwoju wybranych gatunków. Jednocześnie informacje z zakresu morfologii owadów oraz dane molekularne wykorzystuję do rekonstrukcji filogenezy w obrębie rodziny Muscidae.
- Johnston, N.P., Butterworth, N.J., Meiklejohn, K.A., Grzywacz, A., Pape, T., Szpila, K., Wallman, J.F. 2025. Carrion-breeding flies of Australia and New Zealand: A review and key to adults. Austral Entomology, 64: e12732, https://doi.org/10.1111/aen.12732
- Walczak, K., Piwczyński, M., Pape, T., Johnston, N. P., Wallman, J. F., Szpila, K., Grzywacz, A. 2025. Unravelling phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lispe (Diptera: Muscidae) through genome-assisted and de novo analyses of RAD-seq data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 204: 108291, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2025.108291
- Falk, S., Sivell, D., Webb, J., Grzywacz, A. et al. 2024. The genome sequence of a muscid fly, Polietes domitor (Harris, 1780) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] Wellcome Open Research, 9:58 DOI:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20648.1
- Falk, S., Grzywacz, A.,University of Oxford and Wytham Woods Genome Acquisition Lab et al. 2024. The genome sequence of a muscid fly, Hydrotaea cyrtoneurina (Zetterstedt, 1845) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] Wellcome Open Research, 9:60 DOI:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20638.1
- Walczak, K., Grzywacz, A. 2024. An illustrated identification key to early instar larvae of forensically important Muscidae (Diptera) of the western Palaearctic region. Forensic Science International 360:112028 DOI:10.1016/j.forsciint.2024.112028
- Szpila, K., Walczak, K., Grzywacz, A., Soszyńska, A., Akbarzadeh, K., Bystrowski, C., Pape, T. 2024. Underexplored diversity in Palaearctic Miltogramma Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(3) zlad141, https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad141
- Walczak, K., Pape, T., Wallman, J.F., Szpila, K., Grzywacz, A. 2024. To see the unseen: notes on the larval morphology and systematic position of Achanthiptera Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny. (82), 305 – 322, https://doi.org/10.3897/ASP.82.E116703
- Walczak, K., Pape T., Ekanem M., Szpila, K., Grzywacz, A. 2023. Insights into the systematics of Alluaudinella and allied Aethiopomyia and Ochromusca (Muscidae, Diptera). Zoologica Scripta, 52 (3): 279-297
- Szpila, K., Piwczyński, M., Glinkowski, W., Lutz, L., Akbarzadeh, K., Baz, A., Johnston, N.P., Grzywacz, A. 2023. First molecular phylogeny and species delimitation of West Palaearctic Pollenia (Diptera: Polleniidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 197(1): 267-282
- Walczak, K., Szpila, K., Nelson, L.,Pape, T., Hall, M.J.R., Alves, F., Grzywacz, A. (2023) Larval morphology of the avian parasitic genus Passeromyia: playing hide and seek with a parastomal bar. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 37(1), 14–26. https://doi.org/10.1111/mve.1260326
- Szpila, K., Piwczyński, M., Glinkowski, W., Lutz, L., Akbarzadeh, K., Johnston, N., Grzywacz, A. 2022. First molecular phylogeny and species delimitation of West Palaearctic Pollenia (Diptera: Polleniidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 197: 267-282
- Grzywacz A., Walczak K., Niewiadomska M., Pape T. 2022. Larval morphology and temperature-dependent development models of Fannia pusio (Wiedemann): a forensic indicator with expanding distribution. Acta Tropica 233: 1-18
- Bajerlein, D., Jarmusz, M., Gregor, A., Grzywacz, A. 2022. Diptera (Dryomyzidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, Piophilidae) Associated With Pig Carcasses in a Forest Habitat of Poland: Sex-Related Patterns of Visitation and Effectiveness of Sampling Methods. Journal of Medical Entomology 59: 514-524
- von Hoermann, Ch., Weithmann, S., Sikorski, J., Nevo, O., Szpila, K., Grzywacz, A., Grunwald, J.E., Reckel, F., Overmann, J., Steiger, S., Ayasse, M. 2022. Linking bacteria, volatiles and insects on carrion: the role of temporal and spatial factors regulating inter-kingdom communication via volatiles. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220555 https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220555
- Charabidze D., Trumbo S., Grzywacz A., Costa J. T., Benbow M. E., Barton P. S. & Matuszewski S. 2021. Convergence of social strategies in carrion breeding insects. BioScience, 71(10): 1028-1037.
- Shabanil, K. R., Grzywacz, A., Akbarzadeh, K., Azam, K., AliMohammadi, A., Ghadi, P. M., & Ali O. M. 201. Thermal requirements of immature stages of Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae) as a common forensically important fly. Science & Justice, 61: 227-234
- Grzywacz, A., Trzeciak, P., Wiegmann, B. M., Cassel, B. K., Pape, T., Walczak, K., Bystrowski, C., Nelson, L. & Piwczyński, M. 201. Towards a new classification of Muscidae (Diptera): a comparison of hypotheses based on multiple molecular phylogenetic approaches. Systematic Entomology, 46: 508-525
- Piwczyński M., Trzeciak P., Popa M. O., Pabijan M., Corral, J. M. Spalik K., Grzywacz A. 2021. Using RAD seq for reconstructing phylogenies of highly diverged taxa: A test using the tribe Scandiceae (Apiaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59: 58-72
- Frątczak-Łagiewska, K., Grzywacz, A., Matuszewski, S. 2020. Erratum: Correction to: Development and validation of forensically useful growth models for central European population of Creophilus maxillosus L. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (International journal of legal medicine (2020) 134 4 (1531-1545)). International Journal of Legal Medicine 134: 1547-1549
- Frątczak-Łagiewska, K., Grzywacz, A., Matuszewski, S. 2020. Development and validation of forensically useful growth models for Central European population of Creophilus maxillosus L. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). International Journal of Legal Medicine 134: 1531-1545
- Jarmusz, M., Grzywacz, A., Bajerlein, D. 2020. A comparative study of the entomofauna (Coleoptera, Diptera) associated with hanging and ground pig carcasses in a forest habitat of Poland. Forensic Science International 309: 110212
- Grzywacz, A. 2019. Thermal requirements for the development of immature stages of Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Fanniidae). Forensic Science International 297, 16-26 (IF= 1.999, MNiSW=40; 100)
- Giordani, G., Grzywacz, A., Vanin, S. 2019. Characterization and identification of puparia of Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Muscidae) from forensic and archaeological contexts. Journal of Medical Entomology 56(1), 45-54. (IF= 1.907, MNiSW=35; 70)
- Grzywacz, A., Jarmusz, M., Szpila, K. 2018. New and noteworthy records of carrion-visiting Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) of Poland. Entomologica Fennica, 29(4), 169-174. (IF= 0.256, MNiSW=15)
- Grzywacz A., Wallman J. F., Piwczyński M. 2017. To be or not to be a valid genus: the systematic position of Ophyra R.-D. revised (Diptera: Muscidae). Systematic Entomology. 42: 714-723 (IF=4.474, MNISW=35)
- Grzywacz A., Wyborska D., Piwczyński M. 2017. DNA barcoding allows identification of European Fanniidae (Diptera) of forensic interst. Forensic Science International, 278: 106-114. (IF=1.989, MNiSW=40)
- Grzywacz A., Ogiela J., Tofilski A. 2017. Identification of Muscidae (Diptera) of medico-legal importance by means of wing measurements. Parasitology Research, 116: 1495-1504. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Hall M.J.R., Pape T., Szpila K. 2017. Muscidae (Diptera) of forensic importance ? an identification key to third instar larvae of the western Palaearctic region and a catalogue of the muscid carrion community. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 131: 855-866. pdf
- Grzywacz A. 2016. Cztery gatunki Azeliini (Diptera: Muscidae) nienotowane dotychczas w faunie Polski. Dipteron, 32: 27-31. pdf
- Matuszewski S., Frątczak K., Konwerski S., Bajerlein D., Szpila K., Jarmusz M., Szafałowicz M., Grzywacz A., Mądra A. 2016. Effect of body mass and clothing on carrion entomofauna. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 130: 221-232. pdf
- Piwczyński M., Pabijan M., Grzywacz A., Glinkowski W., Bereś P. K., Buszko J. 2016. High regional genetic diversity and lack of host-specificity in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) as revealed by mtDNA variation. Bulletin of Entomological Research 106: 512?521.
- Grzywacz A., Amendt J., Fremdt H. 2016. Seek, and ye shall find ? the example of Neohydrotaea lundbecki (Michelsen) (Diptera: Muscidae), a rare muscid species or just ignored so far in forensic entomology? North-Western Journal of Zoology 12:196?198. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Wyborska D., Bystrowski C. 2015. New data on the distribution of Polietes Rondani, 1866 (Diptera: Muscidae) in Poland. Dipteron 31: 21?25. pdf
- Mądra A., Frątczak K., Grzywacz A., Matuszewski S. 2015. Long-term study of pig carrion entomofauna. Forensic Science International 252: 1?10. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Hall M. J. R. , Pape T. 2015. Morphology successfully separates third instar larvae of Muscina. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 29: 314?329.
- Grzywacz A., Jankowski A. 2014. Stwierdzenie muchówki Hydrophoria ruralis (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) w Polsce. Dipteron 30: 19?23. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Góral T., Szpila K., Hall M.J.R. 2014. Confocal laser scanning microscopy as a valuable tool in Diptera larval morphology studies. Parasitology Research 113: 4297?4302. pdf
- Matuszewski S., Szafałowicz M., Grzywacz A. 2014. Temperature-dependent appearance of forensically useful flies on carcasses. International Journal of Legal Medicine 128: 1013?1020. pdf
- Piwczyński M., Szpila K., Grzywacz A., Pape T. 2014. A large-scale molecular phylogeny of flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Systematic Entomology 39:783?799. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Lindström A., Hall M.J.R. 2014. Hydrotaea similis Meade (Diptera: Muscidae) newly reported from a human cadaver: A case report and larval morphology. Forensic Science International 242: e34-e43. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Pape T. 2014. Larval morphology of Atherigona orientalis (Schiner) (Diptera: Muscidae) ? A species of sanitary and forensic importance. Acta Tropica, 137: 174?184. pdf
- Grzywacz A., Khoobdel M., Akbarzadeh K. 2014. First Palaearctic record of the bird parasite Passeromyia heterochaeta (Villenueve, 1915) (Diptera: Muscidae) from the Iranian Persian Gulf islands. Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases 8: 224?227. pdf
- Grzywacz A. 2013. Third instar larva morphology of Hydrotaea cyrtoneurina (Zetterstedt, 1845) (Diptera: Muscidae) ? a species of forensic interest. Polish Journal of Entomology 82: 303?315. pdf
- Szpila K., Hall M.J.R., Pape T., Grzywacz A. 2013. Morphology and identification of first instars of the European and Mediterranean blowflies of forensic importance. Part II. Luciliinae. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 27: 349-366. pdf
- Grzywacz A., T. Pape, W. Hudson, S. Gomez. 2013. Morphology of immature stages of Atherigona reversura (Diptera: Muscidae), with notes on the recent invasion of North America. Journal of Natural History 47: 1055?1067. pdf
- Velasquez Y., T. Ivorra, A. Grzywacz, A. Martinez-Sanchez, C. Magana, A. Garcia-Rojo, S. Rojo. 2013. Larval morphology, development and forensic importance of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera: Muscidae) in Europe: a rare species or just overlooked? Bulletin of Entomological Research, 103: 98?110. pdf
- Grzywacz A. 2012. Pierwsze stwierdzenie Helina deleta (Stein, 1914) (Diptera: Muscidae) na obszarze Polski. Dipteron 28: 13?16.
- Grzywacz A., C. Prado e Castro. 2012. New records of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) collected on pig carrion in Portugal with additional data on the distribution of F. conspecta Rudzinski, 2003. Entomologica Fennica 23: 169?176. pdf
- Grzywacz A., K. Szpila, T. Pape. 2012. Egg morphology of nine species of Pollenia Robieneau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Microscopy Research and Technique 75: 955?967. pdf
- Grzywacz A., T. Pape, K. Szpila. 2012. Larval morphology of the lesser housefly, Fannia canicularis. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 26: 70-82. pdf
- Grzywacz A., T. Pape. 2010. Egg morphology of Mydaea lateritia (Rondani, 1866) (Diptera: Muscidae). Entomologica Fennica 21: 187-192. pdf
- Bystrowski C., A. Grzywacz. 2010. Phorbia haberlandti (Schiner, 1865) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) ? nowy dla fauny Polski przedstawiciel śmietkowatych. Wiadomości entomologiczne 29: 117-121.
- Bystrowski C., A. Grzywacz. 2009. Stwierdzenie występowania pasożytniczej muchówki Angioneura cyrtoneurina (Zetterstedt, 1859) (Calliphoridae) w Polsce. Wiadomości entomologiczne 28: 271-274.
- Grzywacz A. 2009. Graphomya minor Robineau-Desvidy, 1830 (Diptera: Muscidae) gatunek nowy dla fauny Polski. Dipteron 25: 14-19.
- Grzywacz A. 2007. Macronychia dolini (Verves i Khrokalo2006) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) ? gatunek nowy dla fauny Polski. Dipteron 23: 18-20.