Wybrane publikacje 2010-2025
ROK 2025
- Grodzicki, Przemysław. 2025. „Komunikacja w superorganizmie – rodzinie pszczelej”. Kalendarz Pszczelarza Polskiego, 106–13. PDF
ROK 2024
- Colominas Ciuró Roger, Kowalczewska Anna, Jefimow Małgorzata, Michał Wojciechowski (2024), Temperature and water availability induce chronic stress responses in Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of Experimental Biology vol. 227, nr 22, s.1-19, DOI:10.1242/jeb.247743
- Grodzicki, Przemysław. 2024. „Jak pestycydy szkodzą pszczołom? Punkt widzenia biologa, fizjologa i miłośnika pszczół”. Kalendarz Pszczelarza Polskiego 17: 104–12.
- Idczak-Figiel Paulina A., Nowakowska Anna, Potential role of gastro-intestinal microbiota in terrestrial snails, Folia Biologica-Krakow, 2024, vol. 72, nr 2, s.35-44. DOI:10.3409/fb_72-2.05
- Idczak-Figiel Paulina A., Ostrowski Maciej, Nowakowska Anna, The influence of environmental stressful conditions on the interaction between heat shock proteins and chaperone-assisted proteins in land snails, Helix pomatia L., Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2024, vol. 102, nr 2, s.175-181. DOI:10.1139/cjz-2023-0118
- Kletkiewicz H., Wojciechowski M. S., Rogalska J. (2024). Cannabidiol effectively prevents oxidative stress and stabilizes hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) in an animal model of global hypoxia Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 15952
- Klimek A., Kletkiewicz H., Siejka A., Wyszkowska J., Maliszewska J., Klimiuk M., Jankowska M., Rogalska J. (2024). The extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) can establish a new “set-point” for the activity of the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic (LC-NA) system in rat, Brain Research Bulletin, 2024, vol. 219, s.1-13, DOI:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2024.111111
- Kubacka M., Nowakowska A., Wybrane aspekty medyczno-prawne zjawiska nielegalnego dopingu w sporcie, w: Nauki penalne : synergia teorii i praktyki / Danielewska Alicja, Kalbarczyk Kinga (red.), 2024, Lublin, Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL Sp. z o. o., s.109-120, ISBN 978-83-67881-26-5 PDF
- Maliszewska J., Jankowska M., Rogalska J., (2024) Octopamine is involved in TRP-induced thermopreference responses in American cockroach. Journal of Insect Physiology, vol. 152, s.1-7, DOI:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2023.104597
- Piechowicz, B., Łaś, S., Łaś, M., Łuc, K., Zaręba, L., Kobylarz, D., Kuliga, A., Grodzicki, P., Zienkiewicz, A., and Romerowicz-Misielak, M. (2024). The effect of deltamethrin (a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide), an anionic surfactant alone, and a co-formulated mixture of these substances on the honeybee (Apis mellifera) temperature preference, CO2 emission, and expression of detoxification-related genes. Journal of Plant Protection Research.
- Przybylska-Piech, A. S., Nowak A., Jefimow M. (2024). Warm spells in winter affect the equilibrium between winter phenotypes. Journal of Thermal Biology,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103811
ROK 2023
- Grodzicki, P., Bacia, J., Piątkowska, K., Piechowicz, B. (2023).
Do Glycogen Content and Thermal Preference in Worker Bees Vary Depending on Geographical Origin? A Comparison of Carniolan Honeybees, Central European Honeybees and Caucasian Honeybees Agriculture 2023, 13(2), 492; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13020492 - Idczak P. A., Nowakowska A., Mikrobiota ślimaków : charakterystyka i znaczenie, w: Wyzwania i innowacje w naukach weterynaryjnych : od żywienia zwierząt do badań behawioralnych / Maciąg Kamil, Danielewska Alicja (red.), 2023, Lublin, Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL Sp. z o. o., s.113-129, ISBN 978-83-67881-21-0
- Jankowska, M., Augustyn, B., Maliszewska, J., Przeździecka, B., Kubiak, D., Chełchowska, O., Kaczorek, J., Knop, D., Krajnik, K., Kletkiewicz, H., Kęsy, J., Rogalska, J., Stankiewicz, M. (2023). Sublethal biochemical, behavioral, and physiological toxicity of extremely low dose of bendiocarb insecticide in Periplaneta americana (Blattodea: Blattidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 30, nr 16, s.47742-47754. DOI:10.1007/s11356-023-25602-8
- Klimek A., Kletkiewicz H., Siejka A. Wyszkowska J., Maliszewska A., Klimiuk M., Jankowska M. Seckl J., Rogalska J., (2023). New view on the impact of the low-frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) on stress responses : hormesis effect. Neuroendocrinology 2023;113:423–441. DOI: 10.1159/000527878
- Nowakowska A., Adaptacja do zimna : białka histerezy termicznej i białka stresowe, w: Wyzwania i innowacje w naukach weterynaryjnych : od żywienia zwierząt do badań behawioralnych / Maciąg Kamil, Danielewska Alicja (red.), 2023, Lublin, Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL Sp. z o. o., s.239-250, ISBN 978-83-67881-21-0
- Ratajewska K., Wyszkowska J. (2023). Ocena wpływu pola elektromagnetycznego na organizmy z wykorzystaniem modeli owadzich. Nauczanie Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych, ISSN 1509-6351, Nr 78 (2/2023), Wyd. PSNPP, Kraków/Toruń.
- Wyszkowska, J., Kobak, J., & Aonuma, H. (2023). Electromagnetic field exposure affects the calling song, phonotaxis, and level of biogenic amines in crickets. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(40), 93255–93268. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-28981-0
- Wyszkowska, J., Maliszewska, J., & Gas, P. (2023). Metabolic and Developmental Changes in Insects as Stress-Related Response to Electromagnetic Field Exposure. Applied Sciences, 13(17), Article 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13179893
- Zhu, W., Valbon, W., Qiu, M., Hu, C., Yang, J., Erriah, B., Jankowska, M., Dong, K., Ward, M., Kahr, B. (2023). Insecticidal and Repellent Properties of Rapid-Acting Fluorine-Containing Compounds against Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes. ACS Infectious Diseases Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.3c00161
ROK 2022
- Cecchetti, D., Pawełek, A., Wyszkowska, J., Antoszewski, M., & Szmidt-Jaworska, A. (2022). Treatment of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seeds with Electromagnetic Field Influences Germination and Phytohormone Balance Depending on Seed Size. Agronomy, 12(6), Article 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12061423
- Jefimow M. and Przybylska-Piech A. (2022). Housing conditions modify seasonal changes in basal metabolism and body mass of the Siberian hamster, Phodopus sungorus. Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2022) 192(3-4):513-526. doi.org/10.1007/s00360-022-01434-9.
- Klimek, A., Nowakowska, A., Kletkiewicz, H., Wyszkowska, J., Maliszewska, J., Jankowska, M., Peplowski, L., Rogalska, J., (2022) Bidirectional Effect of Repeated Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (50 Hz) of 1 and 7 mT on Oxidative/Antioxidative Status in Rat’s Brain: The Prediction for the Vulnerability to Diseases. (2022) Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 1031211. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1031211
- Klimek, A., Kletkiewicz, H., Siejka, A., Wyszkowska, J., Maliszewska, J., Klimiuk, M., Jankowska, M., Seckl, J., & Rogalska, J. (2022). New view on the impact of the low-frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) on stress responses–hormesis effect. Neuroendocrinology. https://doi.org/10.1159/000527878
- Maliszewska J., Rogalska J. 2022. Effect of capsaicin on behaviour of cockroaches under dissimilar long-term temperature adaptation conditions. Bulletin of Insectology 75(2): 187-195.
- Pawełek, A., Owusu, S. A., Cecchetti, D., Zielińska, A., & Wyszkowska, J. (2022). What evidence exists of crop plants response to exposure to static magnetic and electromagnetic fields? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 11(1), 37. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-022-00292-w
- Pawełek, A., Wyszkowska, J., Cecchetti, D., Dinka, M. D., Przybylski, K., & Szmidt-Jaworska, A. (2022). The Physiological and Biochemical Response of Field Bean (Vicia faba L.(partim)) to Electromagnetic Field Exposure Is Influenced by Seed Age, Light Conditions, and Growth Media. Agronomy, 12(9), 2161. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12092161
- Noakes, M. J., Przybylska-Piech A. S., Wojciechowski, M. S., and Jefimow, M. (2022). Is torpor a water conservation strategy? Heterothermic responses to acute water and food deprivation are repeatable among individuals of Phodopus sungorus. Journal of Thermal Biology 109 (2022) 103321. doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2022.103321
- Piechowicz, B., Początek, E., Woś, I., Zaręba, D., Koziorowska A., Podbielska, M., Grodzicki, P., Szpyrka, E., Sadło (2022); Insecticide and fungicide effect on thermal and olfactory behavior of bees and their disappearance in bees’ tissues. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Volume 95, 103975 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.etap.2022.103975103975
- Przybylska-Piech A. and Jefimow M. (2022). Siberian hamsters nonresponding to short photoperiod use fasting-induced torpor. Journal of Experimental Biology (2022) 225 (12): jeb244222. doi.org/10.1242/jeb.244222
- Wyszkowska, J., & Pritchard, C. (2022). Open Questions on the Electromagnetic Field Contribution to the Risk of Neurodegenerative Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 16150. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192316150
ROK 2021
- Jankowska, M., Klimek, A., Valsecchi, C., Stankiewicz, M., Wyszkowska, J., Rogalska, J., (2021) Electromagnetic field and TGF-β enhance the compensatory plasticity after sensory nerve injury in cockroach Periplaneta americana. Scientific Reports 11, 1–11. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85341-z
- Klimek A., Rogalska J. (2021), Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field as a Stress Factor—Really Detrimental?—Insight into Literature from the Last Decade, Brain Sciences, 11(2), 174; https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11020174
- (2021) Thermal preferences of two spider species: an orb-web weaver and a synanthropic funnel-web weaver, The European Zoological Journal, 88:1, 824-836, DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2021.1950223
- Niklas B., Jankowska M., Gordon D., Béress L. Stankiewicz M., Nowak W., (2021), Interactions of Sea Anemone Toxins with Insect Sodium Channel—Insights from Electrophysiology and Molecular Docking Studies, Molecules 26(5), 1302; https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26051302
- Piechowicz, B., Sudoł, M., *Grodzicki, P.*, Podbielska, M., Szpyrka, E., Zwolak, A., Potocki, L., (2021). The dynamics of pyrethroid residues and Cyp P450 gene expression in insects depends on the circadian clock. Environ. Res. 110701. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.110701
- Piechowicz, B., Sieńko, J., Mytych, J., Grodzicki, P., Podbielska, M., Szpyrka, E., Zaręba, L., Piechowicz, I., Sadło, S., (2021), Assessment of risk to honey bees and honey consumers resulting from the insect exposure to captan, thiacloprid, penthiopyrad, and λ-cyhalothrin used in a commercial apple orchard. Environ. Monit. Assess. 193, 129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-08913-6
- Przybylska-Piech Anna S., Michał S. Wojciechowski, Małgorzata Jefimow (2021). Polymorphism of winter phenotype in Siberian hamster: consecutive litters do not differ in photoresponsiveness but prolonged acclimation to long photoperiod inhibits winter molt. Frontiers in Zoology 18: 11. doi.org/10.1186/s12983-021-00391-3
- Stanicka A., Zając K. S., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M. S. (2021). Diplotriaena obtusa (Nematoda: Filariidae) infection in first-year Sylvia atricapilla from Poland : molecular evidence. European Zoological Journal 88 (1), 1144-1151. DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2021.1998679
- Świderska-Kołacz, G.; Jefimow, M.; Klusek, J.; Rączka, N.;Zmorzyński, S.; Wojciechowska, A.; Stanisławska, I.; Łyp, M.; Czerwik-Marcinkowska, J. (2021).Influence of Algae Supplementation on the Concentration of Glutathione and the Activity of Glutathione Enzymes in the Mice Liver and Kidney.Nutrients 13, 1996. doi.org/10.3390/nu13061996
- Wojciechowski Michał S., Kowalczewska Anna, Colominas-Ciuró Roger, Jefimow Małgorzata, (2021).Phenotypic flexibility in heat production and heat loss in response to thermal and hydric acclimation in the zebra finch, a small arid-zone passerine.Journal of Comparative PhysiologyB 191, 225–239. doi.org/10.1007/s00360-020-01322-0
ROK 2020
- Grodzicki P, Piechowicz B & Caputa M. (2020),The effect of the queen’s presence on thermal behavior and locomotor activity of small groups of worker honey bees, Insects, 11, 464
- Grodzicki P, Piechowicz B & Caputa M. (2020), Effect of the own vs. foreign colony odor on daily shifts in olfactory and thermal preference and metabolic rate of the honey bee (Apis mellifera), Journal of Apicultural Research
- Jefimow M., Przybylska AS., Wojciechowski MS. (2020) Predictive and reactive changes in antioxidant defence system in a heterothermic rodent. J. Comp. Physiol. B 190, 479–492
- Jermacz Ł., Nowakowska A., Kletkiewicz H., Kobak J. (2020), Experimental evidence for the adaptive response of aquatic invertebrates to chronic predation risk. Oecologia, Vol. 192 no. 2 (341-350)
- Jermacz Ł., Kletkiewicz H., Nowakowska A., Dzierżyńska-Białończyk A., Klimiuk M., Kobak J. (2020) Continuity of chronic predation risk determines changes in prey physiology; Sci. Rep.,
Vol. 10 no. 6972 S. 1-8 - Kieliszek, J., Wyszkowska, J., Sobiech, J., Puta, R., (2020) Assessment of the Electromagnetic Field Exposure during the Use of Portable Radios in the Context of Potential Health Effects. Energies 13, 6276. doi.org/10.3390/en13236276
- Kletkiewicz H., Klimiuk M., Woźniak A., Mila-Kierzenkowska C., Dokładny K., Rogalska J. (2020) How to Improve the Antioxidant Defense in Asphyxiated Newborns—Lessons from Animal Models, Antioxidants, 9, 898
- Moreau E., Mikulska-Rumińska K., Goulu M., Perrier S., Deshayes C., Stankiewicz M., Apaire-Marchais V., Nowak W., Lapied B., (2020) Orthosteric muscarinic receptor activation by the insect repellent IR3535 opens new prospects in insecticide-based vector control. Sci. Rep., Vol. 10, no. 6842 S. 1-15,
- Wrotek S., Nowakowska A., Caputa M., Kozak W. (2020) Unbalanced thermoregulation in experimental autoimmune encephalitis induced in Lewis rats. J. Therm. Biol. no. 102529 (1-5),
- Wyszkowska J., Szczygieł M., Trawiński T., (2020), Static magnetic field and extremely low-frequency magnetic field in hybrid and electric vehicles. Prz. Elektrotech., R. 96 nr 2 (60-62),
ROK 2019
- Gas, P., Wyszkowska J., (2019) Influence of multi-tine electrode configuration in realistic hepatic RF ablative heating. Archives of Electrical Engineering 68(3), 521-533, 2019.
- Gregrowicz J., Rogalska J. (2019) Glucocorticoid receptors function in the pathophysiology of brain hypoxia,
Postępy Hig. Med. Dośw., T. 73, (838-849) - Grodzicki P. (2019) Fizjologiczne i behawioralne mechanizmy termoregulacji pszczoły miodnej. W: Kalendarz pszczelarza polskiego. Red. ks. dr E. Marciniak. Fundacja Pomocy Człowiekowi i Środowisku „Humana Divinis”, Toruń 2019: 140-151.
- Jankowska M., Lapied B., Jankowski W., Stankiewicz M., (2019), The unusual action of essential oil component, menthol, in potentiating the effect of the carbamate insecticide, bendiocarb. Biochem. Physiol., Vol. 158 (101-111)
- Jankowska M., Wiśniewska J., Fałtynowicz Ł., Lapied B., Stankiewicz M., (2019) Menthol increases bendiocarb efficacy through activation of octopamine receptors and protein kinase A.
Molecules, Vol. 24 no. 20 (1-15) - Kletkiewicz H., Maliszewska J., Jaworski K., Jermacz Ł., Smoliński D.J., Rogalska J. (2019) Thermal conditions during neonatal anoxia affect the endogenous level of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor. J Neuro Res. 97(10):1266-1277.
- Kletkiewicz H., Rogalska J. (2019) Decreased body temperature during anoxia affects the endogenous BDNF level in tertiary phase of injury. Neurosci Lett. 711:134413.
- Maliszewska, J., Wyszkowska, J., Kletkiewicz, H., Rogalska, J., (2019) Capsaicin-induced dysregulation of acid-base status in the American cockroach, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 1-5, 2019.
- Przybylska AS., Wojciechowski MS., Jefimow M. (2019) Physiological differences between winter phenotypes of Siberian hamsters do not correlate with their behaviour. Animal Behav.147: 105-114.
- Przybylska AS., Wojciechowski MS., Jefimow M. (2019) Photoresponsiveness affects life history traits but not oxidative status in a seasonal rodent. Frontiers in Zoology 16 (1). doi:10.1186/s12983-019-0311-3.
- Różański M., Samulewicz A., Szczygieł M., Wituła R., Wyszkowska J. (2019) Arbelos theory in electrical engineering, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 95(3), 83-86, 2019.
- Wyszkowska J., Grodzicki P., Szczygieł M. (2019) Electromagnetic fields and colony collapse disorder of the honeybee. Przegląd elektrotechniczny 95 (1): 137-140.
- Wyszkowska J., Jankowska M., Gas P., (2019) Electromagnetic Fields and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 95(1), 129-133, 2019.
ROK 2018
- Grodzicki P., Caputa M., Piechowicz B. (2018) Effect of the own colony odor on olfactory and thermal preferences of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers. Apidologie 49 (2): 209-219.
- Jankowska M., Rogalska J., Wyszkowska J., Stankiewicz M. (2018) Molecular targets for components of essential oils in the insect nervous system – a review. Molecules 23 (1): 34.
- Jankowska M., Szczygiel M., Wyszkowska J. (2018) Neurotherapeutic Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. 2018 Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Techniques and Medicine (PTZE). IEEE, 85-88.
- Kieliszek J., Wyszkowska J. (2018) Assessment of the electromagnetic hazards associated with the occurrence of the contact current while using radiotelephones. Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Techniques and Medicine (PTZE) IEEE, 101-104, Sep 2018
- Kletkiewicz H., Hyjek M., Jaworski K., Nowakowska A., Rogalska J. (2018) Activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in rat brain after perinatal anoxia: role of body temperature. J. Hyperthermia 34(6): 824-833.
- Maliszewska J., Jankowska M., Kletkiewicz H., Stankiewicz M., Rogalska J. (2018) Effect of capsaicin and other thermo-TRP agonists on thermoregulatory processes in the American Cockroach. Molecules 23 (12): 3360.
- Maliszewska J., Marciniak P., Kletkiewicz H., Wyszkowska J., Nowakowska A., Rogalska J. (2018) Electromagnetic field exposure (50 Hz) impairs response to noxious heat in American cockroach. J. Comp. Physiol. A 204 (6): 605-611.
- Maliszewska J., Marcinkowska S., Nowakowska A., Kletkiewicz H., Rogalska J. (2018) Altered heat nociception in cockroach Periplaneta americana exposed to capsaicin. PLoS One 13 (3): e0194109-1-18.
- Maliszewska J., Piechowicz B., Maciąga G., Zaręba L., Marcinkowska S. (2018) Pyrethroid residue dynamics in insects depends on the circadian clock. Environ. Sci. Health B 53 (7): 441-446.
- Maliszewska J., Tęgowska E.(2018)Toxicity of insecticide carrier solvent: effect of xylene on hemolymph biochemical parameters in Blaberus giganteus Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 27 (5): 2385–2390.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P., Podbielska M., Tyrka N., Śliwa N. (2018) Transfer of active ingredients from plant protection products to a honeybee (Apis mellifera F.) hive from winter oilseed rape crops protected with conventional methods. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 27(3): 1219-1228.
- Piechowicz B., Mróz K., Szpyrka E., Zwolak A., Grodzicki P. (2018) Transfer of plant protection products from raspberry crops of Laszka and Seedling varieties to beehives. Environ. Monit. Assess. 190 (3):135.
- Piechowicz B., Szpyrka E., Zaręba L., Podbielska M., Grodzicki P. (2018) Transfer of the active ingredients of some plant protection products from raspberry plants to beehives. Environ. Con. Tox. 75:45–58.
- Piechowicz B., Woś I., Podbielska M., Grodzicki P. (2018) The transfer of active ingredients of insecticides and fungicides from an orchard to beehives. J. Environ. Sci. Health B 53 (1): 18-24.
- Piechowicz B., Zaręba L., Pieniązek M., Balawejder M., Paduch A., Zubik P., Salaciak E., Grodzicki P. (2018) Why are the slugs Arion vulgaris attracted to beer? Fresenius Environ. Bull. 27 (12A): 8796-8805.
- Wyszkowska J. Jankowska M. (2018) Wpływ pola elektromagnetycznego na zjawiska bioelektryczne w komórkach pobudliwych In: Zmyślony M., Nowosielska E.M., Sobiczewska E., eds. Nowe uregulowania w ochronie przed polami elektromagnetycznymi i promieniowaniem jonizującym, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa 2018, 345-354
- Wyszkowska J., Jankowska M., Stankiewicz M., (2018) Comprehensive study of the effects of electromagnetic field exposure on nervous system using insect models, In 2018 EMF-Med 1st World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-Med). IEEE 1-2.
- Wyszkowska J., Jędrzejewski T., Piotrowski J., Kozak W., Wojciechowska A., Stankiewicz M., (2018) In vivo exposure to low frequency magnetic fields changes blood cytokine levels International Journal of Radiation Biology 94, 10, 909-917.
ROK 2017
- Boratyński J.S., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2017) Individual differences in the phenotypic flexibility of basal metabolic rate in Siberian hamsters are consistent on short- and long-term timescales. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 90 (2):139-152.
- Boratyński J.S., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2017) Melatonin attenuates phenotypic flexibility of energy metabolism in a photoresponsive mammal, the Siberian hamster. J. Exp. Biol. 220 (17): 3154-3161.
- Jankowska M., Rogalska J., Wyszkowska J., Stankiewicz M., (2017) Molecular Targets for Components of Essential Oils in Insect Nervous System ? a Review, Molecules, 23(1), 34, 2017
- Lapied, B., Defaix, A., Stankiewicz, M., Moreau, E., Raymond, V., (2017) Modulation of Low-Voltage-Activated Inward Current Permeable to Sodium and Calcium by DARPP-32 Drives Spontaneous Firing of Insect Octopaminergic Neurosecretory Cells. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 11, 31, 1-12, 2017.
- Maliszewska J., Tęgowska E. (2017) A comparison of the effectiveness of insecticides in constant and variable thermal conditions. Int. J. Pest Manage. 63 (4): 331-340.
- Maliszewska J., Wyszkowska J., Tęgowska E. (2017) Hemolymph pH as a marker of pesticide exposition, Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech 338, 4(44), 2017.
- Przybylska A.S., Boratyński J.S., Wojciechowski M.S., Jefimow M. (2017) Specialist-generalist model of body temperature regulation can be applied on the intraspecific level. J. Exp. Biol. 220 (13): 2380-2386
ROK 2016
- Boratyński J.S., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2016) Phenotypic flexibility of energetics in acclimated Siberian hamsters has a narrower scope in winter than in summer. Comp. Physiol. B: 186 (3): 387-402.
- Kletkiewicz H., Nowakowska A., Siejka A., Mila-Kierzenkowska C., Woźniak A., Caputa M., Rogalska J. (2016) Deferoxamine improves antioxidative protection in the brain of neonatal rats: The role of anoxia and body temperature. Neurosci. Lett. 628: 116-122.
- Kletkiewicz H., Nowakowska A., Siejka A., Mila-Kierzenkowska C., Woźniak A., Caputa M., Rogalska J. (2016) Deferoxamine prevents cerebral glutathione and vitamin E depletions in asphyxiated neonatal rats: role of body temperature. Int. J. Hyperthermia 32 (2): 211-220.
- Kletkiewicz H., Rogalska J., Nowakowska A., Woźniak A., Mila-Kierzenkowska C., Caputa M. (2016) Effects of body temperature on post-anoxic oxidative stress from the perspective of postnatal physiological adaptive processes in rats. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 67 (2): 287-299.
- Maliszewska J., Tęgowska E. (2016) Capsazepine affects thermal preferences of the American cockroach (Blattodea: Blattidae). Eur. J. Entomol. 113: 315-319.
- Maliszewska J., Tęgowska E. (2016) Is there a relationship between insect metabolic rate and mortality of mealworms Tenebrio molitor L. after insecticide exposure? J. Cent. Eur. Agric. 17(3): 685-694.
- Nowakowska A., Rogalska J. and Caputa M. (2016) Adaptability of antioxidant defence system in Helix pomatia snails: effect of forced. J. Moll. Stud. 82 (1): 205-207.
- Nowakowska A., Rogalska J., Caputa M. (2016) Potential role of hsp proteins in snails of the genus. Folia Malacol. 24 (1): 41.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P., Stawarczyk K., Piechowicz I., Stawarczyk M., Zwolak A. (2016) Circadian and seasonal changes in honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker susceptibility to pyrethroids. J. Environ. Stud. 25 (3): 1177-1185.
- Piechowicz B., Rębisz E., Grodzicki P., Zaręba L., Balawejder M., Pieniążek M., Stawarczyk K., Piechowicz I. (2016) The smell of beer as a factor affecting the emission of carbon dioxide by Arion lusitanicus non-Mabille. Ann. Anim. Sci. 16 (2): 463-476.
- Piechowicz B., Sadło S., Szpyrka E., Stawarczyk K., Stawarczyk M., Grodzicki P. (2016) Disappearance of some fungicides in mature apples immediately before supplying fruit to the consumer. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 25 (10): 4246-4252.
- Piechowicz B., Watrakiewicz R., Rębisz E., Zaręba L., Balawejder M., Pieniążek M., Zwolak A., Grodzicki P., Sadło S. (2016) Beer as attractant for Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1885 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae). Folia Malacol. 24 (3): 193-200.
- Sadło S., Grodzicki P., Piechowicz B. (2016) Dissipation of captan, boscalid and trifloxystrobin residues in apples of four varieties within 2 months before their harvest. Plant. Dis. Prot.124 (2): 177-184.
- Sadło S., Walorczyk S., Grodzicki P., Piechowicz B. (2016) Disappearance of captan, boscalid, pyraclostrobin and trifloxystrobin residues in ripe apples during cold storage under controlled atmosphere. Fresenius Environ. 25 (6): 1959-1965.
- Sadło S., Walorczyk S., Grodzicki P., Piechowicz B. (2016) Usage of the relationship between the application rates of the active ingredient of fungicides and their residue levels in mature apples to creating a coherent system of MRLs. J. Plant Dis. Prot. 123 (3): 101-108.
- Wilmowicz E., Frankowski K., Kućko A., Świdziński M., de Dios Alché J., Nowakowska A., Kopcewicz J. (2016) The influence of abscisic acid on the ethylene biosynthesis pathway in the functioning of the flower abscission zone in Lupinus luteus. J. Plant Physiol. 206: 49-58.
- Wrotek S., Jędrzejewski T., Nowakowska A. & Kozak W. (2016) LPS alters pattern of sickness behavior but does not affect glutathione level in aged male rats. Biogerontology 17(4):715-23.
ROK 2015
- Boratyński S., Willis C.K.R., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2015) Huddling reduces evaporative water loss in torpid Natterer’s bats, Myotis nattereri. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 179: 125-132.
- Grodzicki P. (2015) Co z tymi inwertami? [w:] Kalendarz pszczelarza polskiego. Ks. dr E.Marciniak (red.). Fundacja Pomocy Człowiekowi i Środowisku „Humana Divinis”, Toruń 2015: 178-187.
- Jankowska M., Pawlowska-Mainville A., Stankiewicz M., Rogalska J., Wyszkowska J. (2015) Exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic field changes the efficiency of the scorpion alpha toxin. Venom. Anim. Toxins, 21: 38.
- Sadło S., Szpyrka E., Piechowicz B., Grodzicki G. (2015) A case study on toxicological aspects of the pest and disease control in the production of the high-quality raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). J. Environ. Sci. Health B. 50 (1): 8-14.
- Piechowicz B., Gola J., Grodzicki P. (2015) Selected insecticides as modifiers of the metabolic rate in Anoplotrupes stercorosus under various thermal conditions: the effect of indoxacarb and beta-cyfluthrine. Pol. Silv. Colendar. Rat. Ind. Lignar. 14 (1): 57-67.
- Stawski C., Koteja P., Sadowska E.T., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2015) Selection for high activity-related aerobic metabolism does not alter the capacity of non-shivering thermogenesis in bank voles. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, Vol. 180: 51-56.
- Wrotek S., Jędrzejewski T., Nowakowska A., Kozak W. (2015) Glutathione deficiency attenuates endotoxic fever in rats. Int. J. Hyperthermia 31 (7): 793-79.
ROK 2014
- Grodzicki P., Caputa M. (2014) Diurnal and seasonal changes in thermal preference of single, isolated bees and small groups of bees (Apis mellifera). J. Insect Behav. 26 (6): 701-711.
- Jefimow M., Ostrowski M., Jakubowska A., Wojciechowski M.S. (2014) The effects of dietary cholesterol on metabolism and daily torpor patterns in Siberian hamsters. Biochem. Zool. 87 ( 4): 527-538.
- Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2014) Effect of dietary fatty acids on metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis in golden hamsters. Zool. A, 321A: 98-107.
- Mccue D., Voight Ch.C., Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M. S. (2014) Thermal acclimation and nutritional history affect the oxidation of different classes of exogenous nutrients in Siberian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus. Exp. Zool. A, 321 (9): 503-514.
- Nowakowska A., Gralikowska P., Rogalska J., Ligaszewski M., Caputa M. (2014) Effect of induced spring aestivation on antioxidant defence in Helix aspersa O. F. Müller, 1774 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicidae). Folia Malacol. 22(1): 41-48.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P. (2014) Circadian changes in susceptibility of various species of Gryllidae to insecticides, depending on time in intoxication and size of tested group. J. Environ. Stud., 23 (5): 1861-1866.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P., Piechowicz I. and Stawarczyk K. (2014) Beer as olfactory attractant in the fight against harmful slugs Arion lusitanicus MABILLE 1868. Chem. Didact. Ecol. Metrol. 19 (1-2): 119-125.
- Tęgowska E., Sobolewska P., Maliszewska J. (2014) Disruption of circadian rhythmicity – an exploratory study in Poland. Pers. Individ. Dif. 66C: 98-101.
- Wojciechowski M.S., Yosef R., Pinshow B. (2014) Body composition of north and southbound migratory blackcaps is influenced by the lay-of-the-land-ahead, J. Avian Biol. 45: 264-272.
- Wrotek S., Rosochowicz T., Nowakowska A., Kozak W. (2014) Thermal and motor behavior in experimental autoimmune encephalitis in Lewis rats. Autoimmunity 47, (5): 334-340.
- Żbikowska E., Kletkiewicz H., Walczak M., Burkowska A. (2014) Coexistence of Legionella pneumophila Bacteria and Free-Living Amoebae in Lakes Serving as a Cooling System of a Power Plant. Water Air Soil Poll. 225 (8): 2066-2075.
ROK 2013
- Jefimow M., Wojciechowski M.S. (2013) Effect of dietary fatty acids on metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis in golden hamsters. Exp. Zool. A: 1-10.
- Wojciechowski M.S. (2013) Nietoperze doliny Biebrzy: niemal pół roku w odrętwieniu, [w:] Tajemnice Doliny Biebrzy: eseje naukowe o zwierzętach i roślinach. Taylor J.R.E. (red. nauk.). Trans Humana Wydawnictwo Uniwersyteckie, Białystok: 89-97.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P., Stawarczyk M., Stawarczyk K. (2013) Circadian and seasonal changes in honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker susceptibility to Diazinon, Teflubenzuron, Pirimicarb, and Indoxacarb. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 22 (5): 1457-1463.
- Piechowicz B., Grodzicki P. (2013) Effect of temperature on toxicity of selected insecticides to forest beetle Anoplotrupes stercorosus. Chem. Didact. Ecol. Metrol. 18 (1-2): 103-108.
ROK 2012
- Adamkiewicz B., Tęgowska E., Grajpel B., Olszewska J. (2012) How capsaicin changes the toxicity of pyrethroids in American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Ecol. Chem. Eng. A 19 (10): 1263-1270.
- Boratyński, J. S., M. Rusiński, T. Kokurewicz, A. Bereszyński and M. S. Wojciechowski (2012) Clustering behavior in wintering greater mouse-eared bats Myotis myotis – the effect of micro-environmental conditions. Acta Chiropterologica 14 (2): 417-424.
- Bronisz A., Koziński M., Magielski P., Fabiszak T., Bronisz M., Swiatkiewicz I., Sukiennik A., Beszczyńska B. Junik R., Kubica J. (2012) Stress hyperglycaemia in patients with first myocardial infarction. Int. J. Clin. Pract. 66 (6): 592-601. Grodzicki P., Caputa M. (2012) Photoperiod influences on endogenous rhythm of ambient temperature selection in the honeybee Apis mellifera. J.Therm. Biol. 37: 587-594
- Grodzicki P., Caputa M. (2012) Photoperiod influences endogenous rhythm of ambient temperature selection by the honeybee Apis mellifera. J. Therm. Biol., 37(8): 587-594.
- Maliszewska J., Tęgowska E. 2012. Capsaicin as an organophosphate synergist against Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) J. Plant Prot.Res. 52 (1): 28-34.
- Nowakowska A., Łaciak T., Caputa M. (2012) Heavy metals accumulation and antioxidant defense system in Helix pomatia (Pulmonata: Helicidae). Moll. Res. 32 (1):16-20.
- Nowakowska A., Łaciak T., Caputa M. (2012) Organ profiles of the antioxidant defence system and acccumulation of metals in Helix aspersa snails. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 21 (5): 1369-1375.
ROK 2011
- Caputa M. (2011) A voice in support of cool thinking. In Crandall C.G., Brengelmann G.L., Covaciu L., Jay O., Fuller A., Romanovsky A. A., Caputa M., Nordström C.-H., Nishiyasu T.i, Flouris A.D., Vagula M.C., Choi J.H., Shrivastava D., Brothers R. M., Zhang R., Cramer M.N., Maloney S.K., Mitchell D., Reinstrup P., Fujii N., Hayashi K., Tsuji B., Cheung S.S., Nelatury Ch.F., Gordon C. J. and Vaughan J. T. Comments on Point:Counterpoint: Humans do/do not demonstrate selective brain cooling Turing hyperthermia. J. Appl. Physiol. 110: 575-580, (577s).
- Caputa M. (2011) Foreword. [in:] Hypometabolism: Strategies of survival in Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Nowakowska A. & Caputa M. (eds.) Research Signpost, Kerela India.
- Caputa M. (2011) Conclusions and perspectives. [in:] Hypometabolism: Strategies of survival in Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Nowakowska A. & Caputa M. (eds.) Research Signpost, Kerela India.
- Grodzicki P., Walentynowicz K. (2011) Hypometabolism in insects. [in:] Hypometabolism: Strategies of survival in Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Nowakowska A. & Caputa M. (eds.) Research Signpost, Kerela India.
- Gutowski J.P., Wojciechowski M.S., Jefimow M. (2011) Diet affects resting, but not basal metabolic rate of normothermic Siberian hamsters acclimated to winter. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 160: 516-523.
- Jefimow, M., Głąbska, M., Wojciechowski, M.S. (2011) Social thermoregulation and torpor in the Siberian hamster. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 1100-1108.
- Köhler A., Sadowska J., Olszewska J., Trzeciak P., Berger-Tal O., Tracy C.R. (2011) Staying warm or moist? Operative temperature and thermal preferences of common frogs (Rana temporaria), and effects on locomotion. Herpetol. J. 21:17-26.
- Nowakowska A., Caputa M., Rogalska J. (2011) Defence against oxidative stress in two species of land snails (Helix pomatia and Helix aspersa) subjected to estivation. J. Exp. Zool. 315: 593-601.
- Nowakowska A., Caputa M., Rogalska J. (2011) Effects of temperature and photoperiod on glucose, glycerol and glycogen concentration in Helix pomatia snails in spring and autumn. Folia Malacol. 19 (3): 155-163.
- Nowakowska A. (2011) Land snails as bioindicators of environmental pollution; mini review [w:] Fauna Miast. Studies of animal biology, ecology and conservation in european cities, Indykiewicz P., Jerzak L., Bohner J., Kavanagh B. (red).
- Nowakowska A. (2011) Hypometabolism in land snails: Controlled or passive phenomenon? [in:] Hypometabolism: Strategies of survival in Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Nowakowska A. & Caputa M. (eds.) Research Signpost, Kerela India.
- Olszewska J., Tęgowska E. (2011) Opposite effect of capsaicin and capsazepine on behavioral thermoregulation in insects. J. Comp. Physiol. A 197: 1021-1026.
- Rogalska J., Caputa M. (2011) Hypometabolism as a strategy of survival in asphyxiated newborn mammals. [in:] Hypometabolism: Strategies of survival in Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Nowakowska A. & Caputa M. (eds.) Research Signpost, Kerela India.
- Willis C.K.R., Menzies A.K., Boyles J.G., Wojciechowski M.S. (2011) Evaporative water loss is a plausible explanation for mortality of bats from
- White-Nose Syndrome. Int. Comp. Biol. 51: 364-373.
- Wojciechowski M.S., Humphries M.M., Careau V., Pinshow B. (2011) Introduction to the symposium: environment, energetics, and fitness: a symposium honoring Donald W. Thomas. Int. Comp. Biol. 51: 333-336.
- Wojciechowski M.S., Jefimow M., Pinshow B. (2011) Heterothermy, and the energetic consequences of huddling for small migrating passerine birds. Int. Comp. Biol. 51: 409-418.
- Wojciechowski M.S., Yosef, R (2011) House martins respond to perceived danger. J. Ethol. 29: 93-97.
ROK 2010
- Beszczyńska B. (2010) Zmiany aktywności neurohormonalnej wywołane przez stres prenatalny i środki psychoaktywne. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń: 1-142.
- Caputa M. (2010) Termoregulacja, podstawy diagnostyki termicznej i termiatrii. [w:] Fizjologia człowieka. Górski J. (red. nauk.). Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL Warszawa 2010: 280-292.
- Jefimow M. (2010) Rytmy biologiczne. [w:] Fizjologia człowieka. Górski J. (red. nauk.). Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL Warszawa 2010: 97-100.
- Nowakowska A., Caputa M. and Rogalska J. (2010) Natural aestivation and antioxidant defence in Helix pomatia: effect of acclimation to various external conditions. J. Moll. Stud. 76: 354-359.
- Olszewska J. (2010) Vanilloid receptors – comparison of structure and functions in mammals and invertebrates. Folia biologica (Kraków) 58 (1-2): 1-7.
- Olszewska J. (2010) Kapsaicyna – lek czy trucizna? Kosmos 59 (1-2): 133-139.
- Olszewska J., Tęgowska G., Grajpel B., Adamkiewicz B. (2010) Effect of application of capsaicin and pyrethroid on metabolic rate in mealworm Tenebrio molitor. Ecol. Chem. Eng. A 17(10):1355-1359.
- Rogalska J. (2010) Mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in hippocampus: their impact on neurons survival and behavioral impairment after neonatal brain injury. [in:] Hormones of the limbic system. Vitamins and hormones 82 Litwack G. (red. nauk.), Elsevier: 391-419.
- Rogalska J., Caputa M. (2010) Neonatal asphyxia under hyperthermic conditions alters HPA axis function in juvenile rats. Neurosci. Lett. 472: 68-72.
- Tracy C. R., McWhorter T. J., Wojciechowski M. S., Pinshow B. and Karasov W. H. (2010) Carbohydrate absorption by blackcap warblers (Sylvia atricapilla) changes during migratory refuelling stopovers. J. Exp. Biol. 213: 380-385.