Contactul. Lwowska 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-25-05
fax: +48 56 611-47-72
obrazek nr 1 obrazek nr 2 obrazek nr 3

Head of Department

professor                                                  WERSJA POLSKA
room C3 (building C)
tel. +48 56-611-2623

Google Schoolar



The main research interests:

  • Animal ecological physiology
  • Physiology of thermoregulation
  • Ecology of hibernation
  • Energetics of small endotherms
  • Physiology of animals in seasonal environment

My research interests focus on ecological physiology of small mammals and passerine birds. With my collaborators, using physiological tools we aim to answer questions concerning ecology and evolution of endothermic animals. In our current research we try to answer whether, and how, limitations resulting from heat production and heat loss determine success of small passerine migration. We also study physiological ecology of small heterothermic mammals, like bats and rodents.