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Reserch Group Publications


Korczeniewski E., Bryk P., Olewnik-Kruszkowska E., Kowalczyk P., Wilczewska A.Z., Markiewicz K.H., Boncel S., Al-Gharabli S., Sprynskyy M., Świdziński M., Smoliński D.J., Fujisawa K., Hayashi T., Płóciennik P., Kujawa J., and Terzyk A.P. (2025). Does the Snow Queen Like Black? Nanocarbon and Biosilica-Reinforced THV-Based Anti-Icing Sponges. Composites Part B: Engineering. 295, 112153.


Korczeniewski E, Bryk P, Kowalczyk P, Wilczewska AZ, Boncel S, Jędrysiak R, Świdziński M, Al-Gharabli S, Olewnik-Kruszkowska E, Kujawa J, Terzyk AP (2024). From Hansen solubility parameters to new anti-icing, viscoelastic sponges of terpolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, vinylidenefluoride, and hexafluoropropylene (THV). Chemical Engineering Journal. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.148777.

Rafińska K, Niedojadło K, Świdziński M, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E. (2024). Distribution of exchangeable Ca2+ during the process of Larix decidua Mill. pollination and germination. Sci Rep. 14(1):5639. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-54903-2.


Gonzalo L, Tossolini I, Gulanicz T, Cambiagno DA, Kasprowicz-Maluski A, Smolinski DJ, Mammarella MF, Ariel FD, Marquardt S, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Jarmolowski A, Manavella PA (2022). R-loops at microRNA encoding loci promote co-transcriptional processing of pri-miRNAs in plants. Nature Plants 8: 402-418. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01125-x.

Korczeniewski E, Bryk P, Koter S, Kowalczyk P, Zięba M, Łępicka M, Kurzydłowski KJ, Markiewicz KH, Wilczewska AZ, Kujawski W, Boncel S, Al-Gharabli S, Świdziński M,  Smoliński DJ, Kaneko K, Kujawa J,  Terzyk AP (2022). Are Nanohedgehogs Thirsty? Toward New Superhydrophobic and Anti-Icing Carbon Nanohorn-Polymer Hybrid Surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.137126.

Rudzka M, Wróblewska-Ankiewicz P, Majewska K, Hyjek-Składanowska M, Gołębiewski M, Sikora M,  Smoliński DJ,  Kołowerzo-Lubnau A (2022). Functional nuclear retention of pre-mRNA involving Cajal bodies during meiotic prophase in Larix decidua. The Plant Cell DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac091.

Stepien A, Dolata J, Gulanicz T, Bielewicz D, Bajczyk M, Smolinski DJ, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Jarmolowski A (2022). Chromatin-associated microprocessor assembly is regulated by PRP40, the U1 snRNP auxiliary protein. The Plant Cell DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac278

Smoliński DJ (2022). „State-of-the-Art” w biologii rozwoju roślin. Postępy Biochemii. DOI:

Stepien A, Dolata J, Gulanicz T, Bielewicz D, Bajczyk M, Smolinski DJ, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Jarmolowski A (2022). Chromatin-associated microprocessor assembly is regulated by PRP40, the U1 snRNP auxiliary protein. bioRxiv DOI

Wilmowicz E, Kućko A, Bogati K, Wolska M, Świdziński M, Burkowska-But A, Walczak M (2022).  Glomus sp. and Bacillus sp. strains mitigate the adverse effects of drought on maize (Zea mays L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 13:958004. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.958004.


Gonzalo L, Tossolini I, Gulanicz T, Cambiagno D, Kasprowicz-Maluski A, Smolinski DJ, Marquardt S, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Jarmolowski A, Manavella PA (2021). R-Loops between nascent pri-miRNAs and the encoding loci promote co-transcriptional processing of miRNAs in plants. bioRxiv DOI

Majewska K, Wroblewska-Ankiewicz P, Rudzka M, Hyjek-Składanowska M, Golebiewski M, Smolinski DJ, Kolowerzo-Lubnau A (2021). Different patterns of mRNA nuclear retention  during meiotic prophase  in larch microsporocytes. International Journal of Molecular Science 22: 8501. DOI: 10.3390/ijms22168501.

Rafińska K, Niedojadło K, Swidziński M, Niedojadło K, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2021). Spatial and temporal distribution of arabinogalactan proteins during Larix decidua Mill. male gametophyte and ovule interaction. International Journal of Molecular Science 22: 4298. DOI: 10.3390/ijms22094298.

Rudzka M, Hyjek-Składanowska M, Wróblewska-Ankiewicz P, Majewska K, Gołębiewski M, Sikora M,  Smoliński DJ ,  Kołowerzo-Lubnau A (2021). Nuclear retention of pre-mRNA involving Cajal bodies during meiotic prophase in plants. bioRxiv DOI

Wiśniewski M, Czarnecka J, Bolibok P, Świdziński M, Roszek K (2021). New Insight into the Fluorescence Quenching of Nitrogen-Containing Carbonaceous Quantum Dots—From Surface Chemistry to Biomedical Applications. Materials 14, 2454. DOI: 10.3390/ma14092454.


Bhat SS, Bielewicz D, Grzelak N, Gulanicz T, Bodi Z, Yu X, Anderson SJ, Szewc L, Bajczyk M, Dolata J, Smolinski DJ, Gregory BD, Fray RG, Jarmolowski A, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z (2020). mRNA adenosine methylase (MTA) deposits m6A on pri-miRNAs to modulate miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2003733117.

Hyjek M, Bajczyk M, Gołembiewski M,  Nuc P, Kołowerzo-Lubnau A, Jarmołowski A, Smoliński DJ (2020). Core spliceosomal Sm proteins as constituents of cytoplasmic mRNPs in plants.  The Plant Journal DOI: 10.1111/TPJ.14792.

Niedojadło K, Kupiecka M, Kołowerzo-Lubnau A, Lenartowski R, Niedojadło J, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2020). Dynamic distribution of ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) and ARGONAUTE4 (AGO4) in Hyacinthus orientalis L. pollen grains and pollen tubes growing in vitro. Protoplasma DOI: 10.1007/s00709-019-01463-2.

Wilmowicz E,  Kućko A, Golińska P, Burchardt S, Przywieczerski T,  Świdziński M, Brzozowska P, Kapuścińska D (2020). Abscisic acid and ethylene in the control of nodule-specific response on drought in yellow lupine. Environmental and Experimental Botany DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103900.


Bhat SS, Bielewicz D, Grzelak N, Gulanicz T, Bodi Z, Szewc L, Bajczyk M, Dolata J, Smolinski DJ, Fray RG, Jarmolowski A, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z (2019). mRNA adenosine methylase (MTA) deposits m6A on pri-miRNAs to modulate miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. bioRxiv DOI.

Hyjek M, Bajczyk M, Golembiewski M,  Nuc P, Kolowerzo-Lubnau A, Jarmolowski A, Smolinski DJ (2019). Core spliceosomal Sm proteins as constituents of cytoplasmic mRNPs in plants. bioRxiv DOI.

Kletkiewicz H, Maliszewska J, Jaworski K, Jermacz Ł, Smoliński DJ, Rogalska J (2019). Thermal conditions during neonatal anoxia affect the endogenous level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Journal of Neuroscience Research DOI: 10.1002/jnr.24486.

Kućko A, Smoliński DJ, Wilmowicz E, Florkiewicz A, Alché JD  (2019). Spatio-temporal localization of LlBOP following early events of floral abscission in yellow lupine. Protoplasma DOI: 10.1007/s00709-019-01365-3.

Wilmowicz E, Kućko A, Golińska P, Burchardt S, Przywieczerski T, Świdziński M, Brzozowska P, Kapuścińska D (2019). Abscisic acid and ethylene in the control of nodule-specific response on drought in yellow lupine. Enviromental and Experimental Botany DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103900


Marcinak K, Kućko A, Wilmowicz E, Świdziński M, Kęsy J, Kopcewicz J (2018). Photoperodic flower induction in Ipomoea Nil is accompanied by decreasing content of gibberellins. Plant Growth Regul 84: 395-400.

Marciniak K, Kućko A, Wilmowicz E, Świdziński M, Przedniczek K, Kopcewicz J (2018). Gibberellic acid affects the functioning of the flower abscission zone in Lupinus luteus via cooperation with the ethylene precursor independently of abscisic acid. Journal of Plant Physiology 229: 170-174.

Jarząb N, Walczak M, Smolinski D, Sionkowska A. (2018). The impact of medicinal brines on microbial biofilm formation on inhalation equipment surfaces. Biofouling 34: 963-975.


Marcinak K, Kućko A, Wilmowicz E, Świdziński M, Kęsy J, Kopcewicz J (2017). Photoperodic flower induction in Ipomoea Nil is accompanied by decreasing content of gibberellins. Plant Growth Regul DOI: 10.1007/s10725-017-0344-6

Kletkiewicz H, Hyjek M, Jaworski K, Nowakowska A, Rogalska J (2017). Activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in rat brain after perinatal anoxia: role of body temperature. International Journal of Hyperthermia DOI: 10.1080/02656736.2017. 1385860


Wilmowicz E, Frankowski K, Kućko A, Świdziński M, Kopcewicz J (2016). The influence of abscisic acid on the ethylene biosynthesis pathway in the functioning of the flower abscission zone in Lupinus luteus. Journal of Plant Physiology 206: 49-58

Wilmowicz E, Kućko A, Frankowski K, Świdziński M, Marciniak K, Kopcewicz J (2016). Methyl jasmonate-dependent senescence of cotyledons in Ipomoea Nil. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 38 DOI 10.1007/s11738-016-2244-1


Dolata J, Guo Y, Kołowerzo A, Smoliński DJ, Brzyżek G, Jarmołowski A, Świeżewski Sz (2015). NTR1 is required for transcription elongation checkpoints at alternative exons in Arabidopsis. The EMBO Journal 34: 544 – 558

Hyjek M, Wojciechowska N, Rudzka M, Kolowerzo-Lubnau A, Smoliński DJ (2015). Spatial regulation of cytoplasmic snRNP assembly at the cellular level. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 7019-7030

Kołowerzo-Lubnau A, Niedojadło J, Świdziński M, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E, Smoliński DJ (2015). Transcriptional activity in diplotene larch microsporocytes, with emphasis on the diffuse stage. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117337 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117337

Niedojadło K, Hyjek M, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2015). Spatial and temporal localization of homogalacturonans in Hyacinthus orientalis ovule cells before and after fertilization. Plant Cell Reports 34: 97 – 109

Suwińska A, Lenartowski R, Smoliński DJ, Lenartowska M (2015). Molecular evidence that rough endoplasmic reticulum is the site of calreticulin translation in Petunia pollen tubes growing in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 34: 1189


Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Arasimowicz-Jelonek M, Smoliński DJ, Stelmasik A (2014). New insight into pioneer root xylem development ? evidence obtained from Populus trichocarpa plants grown under field conditions. Annals of Botany 113: 1235-1247

Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Barakat A, Łakomy P, Smoliński DJ, Zadworny M (2014). Lignin and lignans in plant defence: insight from expression profiling of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase genes during development and following fungal infection in Populus. Plant Science 229: 111-121

Niedojadło K, Hyjek M, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2014). Spatial and temporal localization of homogalacturonans in Hyacinthus orientalis ovule cells before and after fertilization. Plant Cell Reports DOI 10.1007/s00299-014-1690-8

Niedojadło J, Kubicka E, Kalich B, Smoliński DJ (2014). Poly(A) RNAs including coding proteins RNAs occur in plant Cajal bodies. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111780

Ostrowski M, Świdziński M, Ciarkowska A, Jakubowska A (2014). IAA-amido synthetase activity and GH3 expression during development of pea seedlings. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36: 3029-3037

Rafińska K, Świdziński M, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2014). Homogalacturonan deestrification during pollen-ovule interaction in Larix decidua: an immunocytochemical study. Planta 240: 195?208


Dełeńko K, Hyjek M, Kozłowska M, Sadowski M, Kołowerzo A, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2013). Techniki bioobrazowania na poziomie komórkowym. Metody in situ ? część 1. Postępy Biologii Komórki 40 (3): 551-578

Sadowski M, Kozłowska M, Hyjek M, Dełeńko K, Kołowerzo A, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2013). Techniki bioobrazowania na poziomie komórkowym. Metody in vivo ? część 2. Postępy Biologii Komórki 40 (3): 579-595

Zadworny M, Guzicka M, Łakomy P, Samardakiewicz S, Smoliński DJ, Mucha J (2013). Analysis of microtubule and microfilament distribution in Pinus silvestris roots following infection by Heterobasidion species. Forest Pathology 43: 222-231


Niedojadło J, Mikulski Z, Dełeńko K, Szmidt-Jaworska A, Smoliński DJ, Epstein AL (2012). The perichromatin region of the plant cell nucleus is the area with the strongest co-localisation of snRNA and SR proteins. Planta 236: 715-726

Niedojadło K, Pięciński Sz, Smoliński DJ, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2012). Transcriptional activity of Hyacinthus orientalis female gametophyte cells before and after fertilization. Planta 236: 153-169

Niedojadło K, Pięciński Sz, Smoliński DJ, Bednarska-Kozakiewicz E (2012). Ribosomal RNA of Hyacinthus orientalis female gametophyte cells before and after fertilization. Planta 236: 171-184

Smoliński DJ, Kołowerzo A (2012). mRNA accumulation in the Cajal bodies of the diplotene larch microsporocyte. Chromosoma 121: 37-48

Zadworny M, Smoliński DJ, Świdziński M, Guzicka M, Łakomy P, Mucha J (2012). Callose synthase in Pinus sylvestris response during infection by species of Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato with varied host preferences. Journal of Phytopathology 160: 745-751


Czarnecka J, Roszek K, Jabłoński A, Smoliński DJ, Komoszyński M (2011). Some aspects of purinergic signaling in the ventricular system of porcine brain. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 53: 54

Smoliński DJ, Wróbel B, Noble A, Zienkiewicz A, Górska-Brylass A (2011). Periodic expression of Sm proteins parallels formation of nuclear Cajal bodies and cytoplasmic snRNP-rich bodies. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 136: 527 ? 541


Kołowerzo A, Smoliński DJ, Bednarska E (2009). Poly(A) RNA a new component of Cajal bodies. Protoplasma 236: 13 ? 19

Lenartowska M, Lenartowski R, Smoliński DJ, Wróbel B, Niedojadło J, Jaworski K, Bednarska E (2009). Calreticulin expression and localization in plant cells during pollen-pistil interactions. Planta 231: 67 ? 77

Zienkiewicz A, Smoliński DJ, Zienkiewicz K, Glazińska P, Wojciechowski W, Kopcewicz J (2009). Molecular and cytological characterization of ZTL in Ipomoea nil. Biologia Plantarum 53(3): 435 ? 443


Pięciński Sz, Smoliński DJ, Zienkiewicz K, Bednarska E (2008). Changes in poly(A) and TMG snRNA distribution in the embryo sac of Hyacinthus orientalis L. before and after fertilization. Sexual Plant Reproduction 21: 247?257

Zienkiewicz K, Zienkiewicz A, Rodriguez-Garcia MI, Smoliński DJ, Świdziński M, Bednarska E (2008). Transcriptional activity and distribution of splicing machinery elements during  Hyacinthus orientalis L. pollen tube growth. Protoplasma 233: 129-139

Zienkiewicz K, Zienkiewicz A, Smoliński DJ, Świdziński M, Bednarska E (2008). Intracellular organization of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery during Hyacinthus orientalis L. pollen development. Sexual Plant Reproduction 21: 217?231

Zienkiewicz K, Zienkiewicz A, Smoliński DJ, Rafińska K, Świdziński M, Bednarska E (2008). Transcriptional state and distribution of poly(A) RNA and RNA polymerase II in differentiating Hyacinthus orientalis L. pollen grains. Sexual Plant Reproduction 21: 233?245


Smoliński DJ, Niedojadło J, Noble A, Górska-Brylass A (2007). Additional nucleoliand NOR activity during meiotic prophase I in larch (Larix decidua Mill.). Protoplasma 232: 109-120

Zadworny M, Smoliński DJ, Idzikowska K, Werner A (2007). Ultrastructural and cytochemical aspects of the interaction between the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata and the saprotrophic fungi, Trichoderma harzianum and T. virens. Biocontrol Sciences and Technology 17(9): 921-932

Żuryń A, Grzanka A, Stępień A, Grzanka D, Dębski R, Smoliński DJ (2007). Expression of cyclin A in human leukemia cell line HL-60 following treatment with doxorubicin and etoposide: The potential involvement of cyclin A in apoptosis. Oncology Reports 17: 1013-1019