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YUFE Life Sciences - cooperation prospects.

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YUFE Life Sciences - cooperation prospects photo: Andrzej Romański

On the initiative and at the invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, prof. dr. hab. Werner Ulrich, deans of seven European YUFE universities came to Toruń for the first series of workshops.

On the initiative and at the invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, prof. dr. hab. Werner Ulrich, deans of seven European YUFE universities came to Toruń for the first series of workshops.

At the meeting held on September 13-15, 2021, the participants discussed joint research activities, student and staff exchange, laboratory facilities and double master's and doctoral degrees. International topics also included the possibility of obtaining European grants and project management.

The YUFE consortium, now bringing together 10 European research universities, is in a phase of rapid conceptual development, focusing its activities on issues such as education, research collaboration and academic networking. The strategic goal of the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University is to join forces of the universities associated in YUFE in order to expand scientific cooperation. This is favored by the fact that seven out of ten current members of this consortium have faculties in biology.

The meeting was an impulse to develop a new course of action. The developed models will then be presented to the Faculty members for discussion and, in the longer term, for the creation of local initiatives within the framework of YUFE cooperation.


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